Improving Energy Efficiency: What the New Energy Efficiency Act (EnEfG, Germany) Means for Your Business

The EnEfG requires companies to improve their energy efficiency. Learn what the law demands, which measures are worthwhile, and how SMEs can benefit.
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Kevin Grün
October 14, 2024
Das Bild zeigt eine kleine Waage aus Messing auf einem reflektierenden Schreibtisch, neben einem Laptop in einem Büro, was juristische Arbeit symbolisiert.

In November 2023, the new Energy Efficiency Act (EnEfG, Germany) came into force, requiring companies in Germany to further improve their energy efficiency. The law aims to reduce CO2 emissions and achieve the country's sustainability goals. For many businesses, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), this means rethinking and adjusting their energy consumption strategies.

What Does the EnEfG Require from Companies?

The EnEfG sets clear requirements for companies to reduce energy consumption and meet climate goals. The key points are as follows:

  1. Energy Management Systems (EMS) for large consumers: Companies with high energy consumption are required to implement Energy Management Systems according to DIN EN ISO 50001 or environmental management systems under EMAS. The goal of these systems is to systematically monitor and optimize energy consumption.
  2. Reduction of waste heat: Companies must take measures to reduce or efficiently use waste heat, particularly those that consume large amounts of energy for processes such as heating, ventilation, and cooling.
  3. Requirements for primary and final energy savings: The law stipulates that companies must reduce both their primary energy (e.g., fossil fuels) and final energy (e.g., electricity) through various measures, with a focus on using efficient technologies and optimized processes.

What Does the EnEfG Mean for SMEs?

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play a central role in the German economy and are also affected by the EnEfG's provisions. Although SMEs are generally subject to less stringent requirements than large consumers, they should still respond to these demands to remain competitive in the long term and benefit from potential subsidies.

For SMEs, it's important to identify energy-saving measures that can be implemented at low cost but still lead to significant savings. These include:

  • Optimizing electricity consumption through technologies like ESO Electronic Power Optimization®, which reduces both reactive power and other grid disturbances, thereby increasing the efficiency of electrical systems.
  • Improving insulation in production facilities or offices to minimize energy losses.
  • Modernizing machines and equipment to meet the latest energy efficiency standards.

Why Is Implementation Worthwhile?

Implementing the EnEfG offers several advantages for SMEs:

  1. Cost savings: By reducing energy consumption, companies can lower operating costs while strengthening their competitiveness. Technologies like ESO® can help reduce energy costs by up to 12% by minimizing energy losses.
  2. Subsidies and tax benefits: Companies that take action early can benefit from various subsidy programs and tax advantages, including special depreciation according to the Growth Opportunities Act.
  3. Sustainability and brand image: Energy-efficient companies actively contribute to climate protection while improving their public image. Customers and business partners increasingly prefer sustainable and environmentally conscious companies.

Recommendations for Companies

To meet the EnEfG's requirements, companies should take the following steps:

  1. Analyze energy consumption: Start with an analysis of your current energy usage to clearly identify potential savings.
  2. Implement an energy management system: If your company is a large consumer, you should introduce an Energy Management System in line with legal requirements. SMEs can also adopt simplified versions of such systems.
  3. Implement energy-saving measures: Identify measures that can be implemented quickly, such as the introduction of power optimization technologies. Systems like ESO® can help reduce energy losses quickly and efficiently.

Conclusion: Energy Efficiency as a Competitive Advantage

The EnEfG presents new challenges for companies but also offers significant opportunities. Through targeted measures to improve energy efficiency, companies can not only meet legal requirements but also reduce operating costs and ensure long-term business success. Businesses that invest in technologies like ESO® today are well-positioned to meet the requirements and achieve sustainable growth.

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