Debunking Power Optimization Myths: Clarifying Common Misconceptions in the Industry

In this blog post, common myths about power optimization will be debunked to provide clarity about the actual benefits of systems like ESO®.
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Kevin Grün
September 27, 2024

In today’s world, where energy efficiency plays an increasingly important role, there are many myths and misconceptions surrounding power optimization. These misinformation often lead companies to hesitate in investing in technologies that could improve their energy efficiency. In this article, we clear up the most common myths and show why power optimization, particularly through systems like ESO®, is indeed a valuable investment.

Myth 1: Power optimization saves only minimal costs

A widespread belief is that power optimization has little impact on energy costs. In fact, companies using optimized systems like ESO® can save between 8% and 12% in energy costs. These savings add up to significant amounts over time, especially for companies with high energy consumption.

Myth 2: Power optimization is only suitable for large companies

Another misconception is that power optimization systems are only suitable for large industrial enterprises. However, this is not the case. Systems like ESO® offer significant benefits for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as well. Companies with energy consumption starting at 50,000 kWh per year can already see substantial savings. Customized solutions and flexible financing models, such as leasing, also keep the investment affordable.

Myth 3: Power optimization requires constant maintenance and is complicated

Many believe that using power optimization systems is complicated and requires extensive maintenance. The reality is different: modern systems like ESO® are maintenance-free, have a lifespan of at least 15 years, and are CE-compliant. Installation can be carried out by any qualified electrician, and once installed, the system works automatically and adapts to changing grid requirements.

Myth 4: Existing compensation systems make power optimization unnecessary

It is often argued that companies with existing compensation systems do not need further power optimization measures. This is a misunderstanding: traditional compensation systems are usually centralized, which means they may not cover the entire company network. This can lead to some network areas not being optimally compensated and continuing to cause energy losses.

ESO® offers a decentralized solution that allows for targeted compensation in local network areas and additional compensation where needed. This makes the existing system more efficient and improves overall optimization. In addition to compensating reactive power, ESO® also smooths out disturbances like harmonics and transients, which not only improves grid quality but also increases the lifespan of machines and enhances operational safety.

Myth 5: The investment is not worthwhile during times of fluctuating energy prices

Another misconception is that power optimization is not a long-term investment due to volatile energy prices. However, especially in times of rising energy prices, efficient energy use becomes increasingly important. With ESO®, companies secure not only immediate savings but also long-term stability through lower operating costs and faster payback — typically within two to three years.

Myth 6: Reactive power is not charged, so compensation is not worthwhile

It is often assumed that companies that do not pay separate fees for reactive power do not need to take compensation measures. Even if no direct reactive power costs arise, uncompensated reactive power causes higher grid losses. These losses lead to unnecessary strain on cables and transformers, which can impair grid stability over time and increase overall electricity costs. Systems like ESO® compensate for reactive power, reduce grid strain, and improve the energy efficiency of the entire system, even if reactive power does not appear directly on the bill.

Conclusion: Facts instead of myths

The benefits of power optimization are clear: less energy loss, improved grid quality, and a noticeable reduction in operating costs. Don’t be guided by myths and misinformation — systems like ESO® provide proven long-term savings while contributing to sustainability. If you want to lower your company's energy costs and improve operational efficiency, now is the right time to take the first step.

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