Questions and answers

The most important questions and answers about the ESO system, as well as all the benefits for its users
What is the ESO system?
The ESO system is an electronic-dynamic control system for inductive loads, which adapts to the constantly changing requirements in your power grid. It is part of the compensation system product family. The ESO system is an electrical engineering system which is used, among other things, to compensate for the influence of network voltage fluctuations on electrical devices and thus provide a more constant voltage. It consists of a combination of high-performance capacitors and a monitoring and control system.
What are the benefits and benefits of using ESO®-Facility?
Power factor improvement: An ESO helps improve the power factor of an electrical system. A poor power factor can lead to an inefficient use of electrical energy as it increases the amount of reactive power in the system. ESO reduces reactive power, which leads to a more efficient use of electrical energy.

Reducing power losses: A poor power factor leads to higher power losses in electrical lines and components. ESO can help reduce these losses and improve energy efficiency.

Improved power quality: Using an ESO can help improve power quality in the grid by reducing voltage fluctuations and voltage drops. This is particularly important for sensitive electrical devices and machines that require a constant supply of voltage.

Reducing fines: There are tariff structures that force companies to pay penalties for a poor performance factor. Installing an ESO can help avoid these penalties.

Increased grid capacity: Better power factor correction makes it possible to use the capacity of the electrical network more efficiently, which in turn offers the opportunity to add additional loads without overloading the grid.

Longer component life: Reducing reactive power and reducing power losses can help extend the life of electrical components and systems by putting less stress on them.

Combining cost savings and environmental friendliness: ESO is helping to reduce energy consumption (kWh and kVARH) and CO2 emissions by increasing the efficiency of the electrical system.
How long has the ESO system existed?
The basic/basic technology of the ESO system is compensation. This technology has been used worldwide, primarily in industry, for more than 50 years. The ESO system was specially designed for small and medium-sized companies and has already been used successfully hundreds of times by satisfied customers.
I don't pay for idle power, can I still save money with the ESO system?
Yes, even if you don't receive a special bill for reactive current, you can still save money by using the ESO system. By reducing network voltage faults and the associated increase in voltage, you reduce energy consumption and thus your energy costs. In addition, improved voltage quality (no harmonics, no high voltage pulses and the resulting reduced line voltage value) contributes to an extended lifetime of your electrical machines, devices and lighting technology and thus saves additional costs.
What is active power (kWh) and reactive power (kvar)?
Active power (also known as active power) and reactive power are both types of electrical power that are present in electrical networks. Active energy is the energy that is actually consumed by an electrical device or load to do a specific job. It is the utility value of electricity. Reactive current is a part of electricity that flows in an electrical system but does not do any useful work. It is caused by the inductance and capacity of electrical devices and lines and is part of the electricity that remains as a loss in the grid. Reactive current contributes to grid losses and can lead to an inaccurate measurement of actual energy consumption.
What are harmonics in the power grid?
Harmonics are unwanted electrical vibrations that can form in electrical networks due to nonlinear loads (such as electronic devices). These oscillations have frequencies that are higher than the network's base frequency (50 Hz in Europe). Harmonics can cause a range of problems, including increased power consumption, increased heat generation in devices and lines, interference with electronic devices, power supply faults, and damage to electrical devices and lines. To avoid these problems, the ESO system can be used with inductive loads to reduce or eliminate harmonics. The ESO system can therefore also help to regulate the active power in the network and thus reduce costs.
How does the installation of the ESO system (s) work, who will install them and what costs should I expect?
For installations throughout Germany, we use the expertise of local electrical companies, or you can have the installation carried out by a trusted electrician. Your ESO consultant may also be able to recommend an electrical company in your area for the installation.

The guidelines in our “ESO Product and Installation Description” brochure must always be observed and taken into account during installation. Installation costs are always separate from ESO's purchase price. The installation time, any additional materials required and the travel time depend on local conditions. As a guideline for the installation of a wall unit, i.e. a module, the estimated net value for the installation of a wall appliance, i.e. a module, is usually around 700 - 900€ by a qualified electrician (electrician).

The specialist will connect the ESO system downstream and behind the main fuse, or if there are several modules, install them decentrally in your company according to loads and/or sub-distributors/halls/production areas. At least one separate module is required for each main circuit (main electricity meter/electricity bill), and the installation times are calculated accordingly.
Why do I need an ESO system?
An ESO system, or, if required, several modules of it connected in parallel, achieve a voltage-stabilizing effect when used in the user's network. In addition, power grid losses are reduced, harmonics smoothed/attenuated and interference pulses reduced. This increases the lifetime and operational safety of electrical devices and saves you inductive energy and thus also part of your electricity costs.
Can I save on electricity costs with the ESO system?
Definitely yes, by improving power quality and reducing power losses, the ESO system can effectively help reduce your electricity costs. The amount of savings depends on various factors: the machines and devices working in the network, the switching frequencies and the network faults they cause. (When viewed with an oscilloscope, you can see a lot of voltage surges, voltage drops, harmonics and phase shifts on the 50 hertz sine, all of which generate higher power requirements.)

- from the size of the ESO system determined in accordance with the requirement to compensate for the faults
- and from local electricity costs.

Customers running ESO systems speak of average energy cost savings of around 8% - 12%.
I already have a frequency converter - Can a frequency converter an ESO® replace? Do I still need an ESO®?
A frequency converter and a compensation system are two different devices that are used for different purposes in electrical systems. A frequency converter is usually used to control the speed of electric motors by adjusting the frequency and voltage of the supplied current. On the other hand, a compensation system is used to carry out the power factor correction in an electrical system in order to compensate for reactive power and improve the power factor.

A frequency converter can control the speed of a motor, which influences the motor's power consumption. When a motor is running at variable speed, the system's power factor may fluctuate. In some cases, using a frequency converter in combination with our ESO may even be useful to ensure that the system's power factor remains at an acceptable level.

In many applications, however, it is not common to use a frequency converter as a substitute for a compensation system, as the two devices perform different tasks. It depends on the specific requirements of your application and electrical system whether a frequency converter alone is sufficient or whether an additional compensation system is required to improve the power factor and solve other network quality problems, and ultimately also to reduce energy consumption.
Do I also save active power energy with the ESO system
(kWh) on?
Yes, the ESO system can also help to save active power (also known as active power). This is done, among other things, by regulating the reactive power in the network by the ESO system either absorbing or adding reactive power. A reduction in reactive power leads to a reduction in power grid losses and to a reduction in active power.
How do power grid losses occur?
Power grid losses are caused by resistors in the power grid, which lead to a reduction in voltage and an increase in temperature when electrical energy is transported through lines and transformers. These losses can be caused by factors such as the length of the lines, the cross-section of the lines, the resistance of the lines, and the transmission conditions (such as voltage and amperage). It is important to minimize these losses to enable efficient use of energy resources and a reduction in electricity costs.
What are interference pulses?
Interference pulses are short, undesired electrical impulses that occur in electrical consumer networks as a result of the operation of electrical machines, devices and lighting technology, e.g. as a result of switching processes, speed regulation, dimming. Interference pulses can cause a variety of problems, including malfunctions in electronic devices, failures of protective circuits, damage to electrical devices and lines, and interference with communication systems. To avoid such problems, you can use our ESO systems. They reduce interference pulses and improve the quality of the voltage and the reliability of the power supply.
© 2024 ESO Electronic Power Optimization - Owner Michael Grün